Manage Device Identity Settings in Entra ID 

By default, all users can join devices to Microsoft Entra ID. This poses significant risks, such as unauthorized access from private computers. Therefore, managing these device settings is crucial to safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining network security. That’s why Microsoft Entra ID provides a central place to manage device identities and monitor related event information. By configuring these…

Connect to Exchange Online with Certificate

In today’s cloud-driven world, securing access to critical Microsoft 365 business resources like Exchange Online is crucial. While traditional username and password combinations have served us well, they’re increasingly vulnerable to phishing attacks and brute-force breaches. This is where Certificate based authentication (CBA) steps in, offering a robust and secure alternative to traditional username and…

How to Deploy Microsoft Places App?

In recent years, organizations have been adjusting to remote work, and constantly adapting to new developments. As the future of hybrid work demands a new approach — Microsoft Places, introduced at Ignite 2022, presents a promising solution for relaxing the transition to hybrid work. The highly anticipated Microsoft Places app for Web and Mobile designed to…

Manage Object Deletions in Microsoft Entra

As we all know, Microsoft Entra ID empowers organizations with centralized identity and access management. However, amidst the convenience and efficiency it offers, Entra ID still carries the risk of human errors like accidental deletions, malicious attacks, etc. So, it becomes crucial for admins to learn the strategies for managing object deletions in Entra ID, ensuring…

Enable Insider Risk in Conditional Access Policy

Traditionally, cybersecurity has focused on external threats like hackers, malware, and unseen dangers beyond digital defenses. However, internal threats can cause significant disruption to sensitive data and compromise security just as much as external attacks.  So, organizations need to prioritize insider risks and address these often-underestimated ones. Here’s where the Insider Risk in Conditional Access policy comes…

Microsoft 365 Backup for OneDrive, SharePoint, and Exchange  

In a world where data disasters strike without warning, waiting for months to restore critical business data is a luxury none of us can afford. Enter Microsoft 365 Backup—the ultimate ally in swiftly securing and recovering your vital business information. Microsoft 365 Backup is not just a solution; with unmatched speed and a user-friendly interface,…

Secure Workload Identities Using Continuous Access Evaluation in Microsoft Entra ID

On Day 29 of Cybersecurity awareness month, let’s dive into how Continuous Access Evaluation for workload identities protection works within Microsoft Entra ID. Stay tuned for our more blogs in the M365 Cybersecurity blog series.    In the ever-evolving landscape of modern digital infrastructure, workload identities play a pivotal role in representing your applications within the Microsoft Entra…

Find Inactive Users Using Access Reviews in Microsoft Entra

On Day 25 of the cybersecurity awareness month, learn how to find and eliminate inactive users using access reviews in Microsoft Entra ID. Stay tuned for more blogs in the M365 Cybersecurity blog series.    In large organizations, managing user accounts can be a challenging task. When employees leave an organization, their user accounts are not…

Microsoft Entra ID Protection Dashboard Analysis: Your Shield Against Identity Threats

On Day 19 of the cybersecurity awareness month, learn about the Microsoft Entra ID Protection dashboard to analyze the security exposure of organizations better. Stay tuned for more blogs in the M365 Cybersecurity blog series.  In the rapidly changing digital environment of today, standard security measures are not enough to protect an organization’s identity. It…

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