Track User Sign-ins Using Scenario Monitoring in Entra

Track User Sign-ins Using Scenario Monitoring in Entra

Microsoft Entra Health (preview) helps you monitor the Microsoft Entra tenant health efficiently. It includes a report of Service Level Agreement (SLA) attainment and the ability to review sign-in reporting scenarios using scenario monitoring. In an organization, monitoring user sign-ins is crucial to identify suspicious logins and prevent unauthorized access. There are usually many additional checks…

How to Use Entra Workbooks in Microsoft 365 

How to Use Entra Workbooks in Microsoft 365 

Admins, on your checklist of must-dos, monitoring Microsoft 365 user activities, Entra ID sign-ins, and identity protection risk analysis top the charts. You might start by peeking into Microsoft 365 audit logs and sign-in data for improved identity and access management. But wait, here’s the twist! 🙄  ❌ Sorting through a heap of Microsoft 365 audit logs…

Now ‘Last Successful Sign-in Date Time’ available for Microsoft 365 Users 

Now ‘Last Successful Sign-in Date Time’ available for Microsoft 365 Users 

Microsoft has introduced a new property to identify the last successful sign-in date and time for Microsoft 365 users. This enhancement facilitates the identification of inactive users within your organization, streamlining the process that was historically challenging.  Office 365 Last Login Report – How it Started?  In the past, administrators faced difficulties in identifying inactive…

Advanced Collaboration Analytics in MS Teams Premium 

Advanced Collaboration Analytics in MS Teams Premium 

As we all know, Microsoft Teams Premium is designed to elevate external collaboration in organizations with advanced features. However, concerns remain among administrators about the effectiveness of guest user restrictions and potential loopholes in external collaboration security. To address these concerns, Microsoft introduced the Advanced collaboration analytics in Microsoft Teams Premium —a valuable feature for visualizing…

Conditional Access Overview and Templates: A New Way to Secure Microsoft 365

Conditional Access Overview and Templates: A New Way to Secure Microsoft 365

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) plays a vital role in securing Microsoft 365 sign-ins, effectively helping organizations prevent brute-force attacks! 🔐 Additionally, adding Conditional Access policies to Microsoft 365 secures them even more, providing an extra layer of protection against a wide range of threats. To improve and oversee CA policies, Microsoft has recently announced the general availability of…

8 In-built Microsoft Entra Reports that Admins Should Monitor Weekly!

8 In-built Microsoft Entra Reports that Admins Should Monitor Weekly!

Microsoft Entra ID is a cloud-based platform that brings together the best of Microsoft’s identity solutions, including Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Microsoft Entra Permissions Management, Microsoft Entra Identity Governance, and more. With MS Entra, access control and security aren’t just buzzwords; they’re the security guardians of your Microsoft 365 environment! 🚀  🤔Why did I…

How to Effectively Use Microsoft 365 Admin Center Reports?

How to Effectively Use Microsoft 365 Admin Center Reports?

In the dynamic tech landscape, from tracking user activities to resolving end-user issues, Microsoft 365 reporting & auditing has never been a breeze for sysadmins. 🤧 Bearing your hardships in mind, we have found a concise yet comprehensive solution to make your Microsoft 365 reporting painless, the Microsoft 365 admin center reports!  However, if you are seeking a…

10+ Microsoft Purview Reports That Make Compliance Management Easy!

10+ Microsoft Purview Reports That Make Compliance Management Easy!

Do you know all the available Microsoft 365 admin center reports? I swear, maybe some, but not all! Are you curious about the handy reports accessible within your Microsoft 365?   On that account, Microsoft 365 Built-in Reports- Blog Series might help you out! This series is a complete guide on Microsoft 365 admin center reports…

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