Now you can Check Per-user MFA Status via MS Graph PowerShell  

Now you can Check Per-user MFA Status via MS Graph PowerShell  

📢 Heads up! Now MS Graph has the ability to retrieve legacy per-user MFA status.   Here’s the inside story on our find   With MSOnline & Azure AD PowerShell modules on their way out, we’re migrating AdminDroid’s Microsoft 365 reporting tool to MS Graph. As part of this migration process, we are maintaining close communication with…

Monitor Microsoft 365 Sign-ins Using Entra Workbook 

Monitor Microsoft 365 Sign-ins Using Entra Workbook 

Microsoft 365 security isn’t just about configuring MFA, Conditional Access policies, or enabling Entra smart lockout. 💯 It also depends on how effectively you monitor Azure AD user sign-in logs in Microsoft 365. Microsoft 365 offers three ways to audit risky sign-ins: Entra ID sign-in logs, PowerShell, and unified audit logs. 💡  But for in-depth analysis…

Conditional Access Insights and Reporting Workbook 

Conditional Access Insights and Reporting Workbook 

“Conditional Access Policies in Entra ID” – In the rising tide of cyberattacks, having these policies in Microsoft 365 is crucial. If you’ve already configured Conditional Access policies in your tenant, pat yourself on the back! Great job! 🙌 But what’s next? After implementing these policies, it’s crucial to monitor their effectiveness in your tenant.…

New Risk-based Access Policies Workbook in Entra ID

New Risk-based Access Policies Workbook in Entra ID

As an admin, you’re no stranger to the challenges posed by password spray attacks, anonymous browser logins, leaked credentials, and more. Unfortunately, these threats only seem to be on the rise, rather than down! Luckily, Microsoft has a game-changing solution: the “Risk-based Conditional Access policy in Entra ID.” You can easily configure risk-based CA policies…

Conditional Access Gap Analyzer Workbook in Entra ID 

Conditional Access Gap Analyzer Workbook in Entra ID 

Conditional Access policies in Entra ID are the ones known for granular access control in Microsoft 365, no doubt! 😎 You can configure Conditional access policies manually or by using automation tools like Microsoft365DSC. But is merely configuring CA policies in your organization enough? The answer is a big NO! 😲  As an IT admin,…

Track User Sign-ins Using Scenario Monitoring in Entra

Track User Sign-ins Using Scenario Monitoring in Entra

Microsoft Entra Health (preview) helps you monitor the Microsoft Entra tenant health efficiently. It includes a report of Service Level Agreement (SLA) attainment and the ability to review sign-in reporting scenarios using scenario monitoring. In an organization, monitoring user sign-ins is crucial to identify suspicious logins and prevent unauthorized access. There are usually many additional checks…

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