Easy, Yet Efficient Solution to Avoid Data Leakages: Idle Session Timeout

Easy, Yet Efficient Solution to Avoid Data Leakages: Idle Session Timeout

On Day 8 of Cybersecurity awareness month, learn to avoid data leakages by configuring Idle Session Timeout. Stay tuned for more blogs in the Cybersecurity blog series. As we have entered the hybrid work environment, accessing an organization’s resources from web apps on unmanaged devices or shared devices is on the rise. Unmanaged devices offer a…

Use Phishing-Resistant MFA to Implement Stronger MFA Authentication

Use Phishing-Resistant MFA to Implement Stronger MFA Authentication

On Day 7 of Cybersecurity awareness month, learn to conceal your organization by implementing strong authentication methods. Stay tuned for more blogs in Office 365 Cybersecurity blog series.  Do you think setting up complex passwords will help you? Nah! Password complexity alone is not sufficient to make passwords secure. Thus, configuring MFA with a strong authentication method is…

Possible Ways to Limit External Sharing in SharePoint Online

Possible Ways to Limit External Sharing in SharePoint Online

On Day 6 of Cybersecurity awareness month, learn to limit external sharing in SharePoint Online today. Stay tuned for more blogs in the Cybersecurity blog series. Data security always holds the top when you run an organization. In recent times, technology has grown exponentially and so are security issues. When considering Office 365, the average organization shares…

Manage User Consent to Applications in Microsoft 365

Manage User Consent to Applications in Microsoft 365

On Day 5 of Cybersecurity awareness month, learn to conceal your organization by blocking user consent to suspicious applications. Stay tuned for more blogs in Office 365 Cybersecurity blog series.  Have you ever heard about the illicit grant consent attack in Microsoft 365? It’s a consent phishing attack where a malicious attacker creates an Azure-registered application asking for…

Break Glass Account in Microsoft 365 for Emergency Access!

Break Glass Account in Microsoft 365 for Emergency Access!

On Day 4 of Cybersecurity awareness month, learn to conceal your organization from cyber threats today. Stay tuned for more blogs in the Cybersecurity blog series. A sudden hindrance during work affects our productivity! Think of a past incident caused by the MFA outage that caused Microsoft 365 users to face logging-in issues. Admins were most affected…

Ban Custom Passwords in Office 365 to Prevent Users from using Guessable Passwords

Ban Custom Passwords in Office 365 to Prevent Users from using Guessable Passwords

On Day 3 of Cybersecurity awareness month, learn to protect your organization from password spray attacks today. Stay tuned for more blogs in the Office 365 Cybersecurity blog series Microsoft reported that they see 12 million username/password pair attacks every day. The number is alarming, isn’t it? Even though multi-factor authentication is available, only 26.64% of Microsoft…

Block Email Auto-Forwarding to External Domain

Block Email Auto-Forwarding to External Domain

On Day 2 of Cybersecurity awareness month, learn to conceal your organization from cyber threats today. Stay tuned for more blogs in the Cybersecurity blog series. In today’s world, emails are subjected to a lot of threats as they are the powerhouse of business information. Outlook’s email forwarding feature is useful but at the same time, it…

Restrict User Access to Azure AD to Prevent Data Exposure

Restrict User Access to Azure AD to Prevent Data Exposure

On Day 1 of Cybersecurity awareness month, learn to conceal your organization from cyber threats today. Stay tuned for upcoming blogs in the Cybersecurity blog series In this digital era, everything gets digitized and widely used by everyone. Likewise, tricky hackers are evolving more, and their techniques get multiplied periodically. Although Microsoft comes up with…

Essential Microsoft 365 Security Checklist to Stay Safe in This Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Essential Microsoft 365 Security Checklist to Stay Safe in This Cybersecurity Awareness Month

It’s the season! Did I say about the fall? Or did I say about the Halloween season? Nah, it’s time for Cybersecurity Awareness Month!   As work becomes increasingly digital, so are cyber-attacks. Researchers estimate that social engineering and phishing attacks account for 75% of cyber-security threats. Moreover, we’ve noticed a crucial vulnerability called the MFA fatigue attack ruining MFA…

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